Cinnamon Leaf
Cinnamon Leaf
A tropical, evergreen tree with stiff, sharp spines, smooth ovate leaves and small white flowers.
Warming, reviving, strengthening, aphrodisiac, restorative, uplifting, antiseptic, astringent, digestive, stimulating
Cinnamon Leaf
A tropical, evergreen tree with stiff, sharp spines, smooth ovate leaves and small white flowers.
Warming, reviving, strengthening, aphrodisiac, restorative, uplifting, antiseptic, astringent, digestive, stimulating
Cinnamon Leaf
A tropical, evergreen tree with stiff, sharp spines, smooth ovate leaves and small white flowers.
Warming, reviving, strengthening, aphrodisiac, restorative, uplifting, antiseptic, astringent, digestive, stimulating